Home Massage

This website is for the local massage therapists nationwide who are looking for in home massage jobs.

Impact of Computers on Body Chemistry

There’s no denying that the proliferation of computer workstations has had a positive effect on corporate profits and worker productivity. As more and more daily functions and routines become automated, companies are able to better control their costs and motivate their workers to complete new tasks with exciting and innovative applications. But one side effect of this enhanced office environment is the prevalence of back pain, muscle aches, and other soreness which can seriously degrade the joy of working in a static environment.

The Mechanics of Computer-Based Office Jobs

Manufacturing has steadily gone overseas and, in pace of heavy machinery that required active involvement and a great deal of movement, people have settled into desk-bound positions that require at least eight hours of sitting with very little movement. While it’s not good for the body to be overworked, tired, and sore, it is equally stressful for the body’s muscles when they are rarely used at all. And that’s exactly what a desk job promotes.

In recent years, studies have indicated that a full 50 percent of office workers report some sort of back pain, with the majority of those workers indicating they suffer from at least a dull form of lower back pain or stress. Still others indicate tight shoulders, a tense or aching neck, and carpal tunnel soreness in their forearm area. Where office jobs were once considered “easy” on the body and relatively easy to manage, they are now considered some of the worst positions for overall joint and muscle health.

The presence of so many aches and pains as a result of the typical office job has led a large number of office professionals to seek treatment for their pains and tight muscles. There are several great ways to relieve the strain of a sore back or tight muscles, and they range from things as easy as better posture to techniques involving massage and relaxation.

Sit Up and Look Straight Ahead

One of the easiest ways to resolve the type of chronic pain that can result from a sedentary office job is to adjust the way you sit in a chair and look at your computer screen on a daily basis. Most office workers report that they suffer from horrendous posture both at the office and once they arrive home for the evening. While it’s nice that they can admit his problem, the key to surviving in an office environment is to specifically focus on poor posture throughout the day.

This means sitting up straight in a desk chair and adjusting all of the available supports to make sure it’s giving solid assistance to both posture and the shape of the back as it rests on the chair. It also means elevating the chair’s height so that you are straight straight ahead, or slightly upward, at the computer screen. This helps to relieve tension on the upper back and shoulders throughout the day. Additionally, staring straight ahead, or slightly upward, reduces the kind of neck strain and permanent creasing that can lead to a “turkey neck” appearance.

Seek Out Massage Treatments for Ultimate Relaxation

Fixing your posture in the office is sure to have a great effect on how you feel at the end of an average workday, but it’s certainly not a miracle cure that will entirely eliminate the kind of stress and sore muscles that result from sitting in the same position day in and day out. In order to properly address the kind of pain and soreness that comes from a sedentary office position, those workers with lower back pain or other symptoms should look for a qualified massage therapist. This is often covered under many office health insurance plans, making it a no-brainer for the conceded and aching corporate employee.

Massage has long been known as one of the most relaxing an luxurious services at designer day spas, and seeking the treatment for help with physical and medical conditions is one of the best way to transcend the potential damage of an office occupation on the body’s joints, muscles, and tissues. Massage therapists know how to best treat muscles for these types of repetitive and low-level injuries and, when combined with good posture, they’ll help office workers feel like they just ran a real sprint, and not the kind of nine-to-five sprint that many do on a daily basis.

Office Environments No Easier on the Body

Working in an office environment is no easier on the body than any other, more active position. Its injuries and aches are different, but they should be treated just as effective and seriously as any other type of injury. With an improvement in posture and the occasional expert massage, even the lower back pain associated with sedentary office work can be conquered with ease.

Massage and Lower Back Pain

Persistent lower back pain is one of the most common reasons to seek medical treatment in America, but it can be very difficult to treat. At any given time, about 31 million Americans are suffering from this condition, with one half of all working people suffering from back problems every year. This problem is the second most common reason to miss work and seek a doctor’s appointment.

Unfortunately, back conditions can be caused by a large number of problems, including muscle tension, neurological issues, poor spine alignment, old injuries and many others. This makes it difficult to treat lower back problems using conventional means. Many drugs merely dull the pain, and they come with a range of extra side effects. Surgery can sometimes cause as many problems as it solves.

Massage, however, offers a potential solution for many people who have mild to moderate lower back trouble. According to a major medical journal, the benefits of massage for back trouble can last for at least six months. A study of over four hundred people who suffered from chronic lower back pain with no readily identifiable cause showed that both full body relaxation massage and targeted deep tissue massage techniques work better than physical therapy and medication alone.

About two thirds of the patients who got in hom massage, at a spa or other location every week found that their back pain diminished or disappeared entirely. Only about one third of patients receiving medication and physical therapy experienced similar results. Regular massage produced pain relief that lasted for six months or longer after the therapy was discontinued.

On average, most recipients of massage got benefits that were equal to or slightly better than the improvement that comes from taking over the counter pain relievers. Most pain relieving medications come with the potential for health problems if used extensively, however, while massage improves overall health. It can reduce stress levels, decrease the risk of serious cardiovascular problems and reduce muscle and some joint pain.

In a small, but statistically substantial group, though, the results were significantly better. A little more than a third of the patients who received massage therapy for their lower back pain said the pain disappeared entirely or almost entirely. Only about four percent of people in the conventional therapy saw improvements to this level. Massage doesn’t come with a significant number of risks and it can yield much longer lasting, more effective results than conventional therapy.

Like any other treatment, massage isn’t a magic bullet. It works best when accompanied by stretching, regular exercise, a good diet and other behaviors that promote overall physical and mental health. It may not fix lower back problems that are caused by serious injuries or illness, though it can reduce some of the pain.

Massage therapy is also most effective when used by a trained, experienced practitioner. It’s a good idea to look for licensed therapists who have a strong background in pain relief. Patients should avoid practitioners who don’t have much experience, aren’t certified by a third party, or who do not have formal credentials in states that require them. These practitioners may be less expensive than formally certified therapists, but they’re less likely to be able to provide the expertise needed to alleviate chronic back pain.

Conventional therapy and therapeutic massage don’t have to be enemies, either. Patients who are suffering from very serious pain should seek out conventional medical help in addition to using alternative therapies. In cases where surgery is the best option, massage can be used as a support technique, to help prepare the body for surgery and speed up recovery after healing. Seeking doctors who are open to the benefits of alternative therapies can be a very good option for many back pain patients.

While back pain can seem like it’s taking over, it doesn’t have to. Many people who could be living freer, less painful lives aren’t aware of the benefits of massage therapy. When applied in conjunction with smart lifestyle choices, both deep tissue and relaxation massage can do a lot to relieve persistent pain. They may not be the ideal choice for everyone, but they can do a lot.

Massage can be an important part of the therapeutic package, even for people with severe lower back pain. Anyone who has to deal with this problem should stop missing work and spending money on therapies that aren’t helping. Instead, check out what massage has to offer. It could be the key to alleviating serious pain and feeling much healthier and more productive.

A Healthier Mental State of Being

Living life with a healthy mental state of mind can lead to a longer, happier life. Many people who focus on their physical health may often neglect their mental well-being. When mental health is overlooked, it can lead to conditions such as depression or loneliness. Taking measures to ensure that a healthy state of mind is achieved regularly can help individuals live happier, more fulfilled lives.

There are many ways to attain a healthy state of mind. Surrounding oneself with positivity is vital to achieving mental happiness and stability. Lifestyle habits are also extremely important as well. Individuals should make taking some time out to enjoy life and reflecting on the good things in life a top priority.

Receive a Massage for Better Mental Health

Massage therapy has been used for many centuries around the world to help people overcome different types of health issues. It helps to boost immune levels and increase energy levels. It is useful for relieving painful symptoms due to muscle cramps or other aches and pains as well as for increasing self-confidence. Examples of some of the mental health issues that massage therapy can help with include:

• Stress reduction
• Symptoms of anxiety
• Reduction of irritability
• Increasing the blood flow that may help with cognitive issues such as concentration and memory

Some mental health clinics use massage therapy as an alternative treatment. It seems to be effective in areas of treatment for conditions such as anxiety, eating disorders and depression. Massage has proven to be a successful way to increase confidence, self-esteem and self-discipline. Self-discipline is needed to help overcome addictions such as smoking, alcohol or gambling. Any type of addiction can negatively affect the mental well-being of an individual and should be addressed as soon as possible.

Meditation and Relaxation

Relaxing physically and mentally is essential to good health. There are many different techniques people use to meditate. The most common form of meditation typically involves closing the eyes, focusing intently on each breath and feeling all sensations that are passed throughout the body. Other people may do this by focusing on a particular object such as a candle instead of closing their eyes. The benefit of meditation, regardless of the technique that is used, is to learn to center the focus of attention and remain aware of each sensation felt in the body.

Mental Health and a Proper Diet

Everything that is put into the body is likely to affect how a person feels. When a person eats too much junk food they may feel physically sluggish. Mental health may be affected as well when the body is running low on energy. A diet consisting of healthy, nutritious foods such as vegetables, fruits and whole grains can help raise these energy levels and keep the mind sharp and productive; however, an occasional food of less nutritional value will not likely have a huge impact on mental health. In fact, indulging in a dessert or treat may help enhance certain moments and increase mental pleasure.

Exercise for Good Physical and Mental Health

Exercise releases chemicals that help enhance positive feelings. These chemicals, called endorphins, are produced with physical activity and the effect is similar to some antidepressants. It helps to elevate mood levels and is also believed to prevent conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s disease.

Use Sunlight for Improving Mental Health

Lack of sunlight may be associated with feelings of depression, loneliness, sadness, hopefulness and fatigue. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) runs in a cycle of negative and positive feelings depending on the season. For instance, many people feel more negatively in the fall and winter than in the spring and summer due to the availability of sunlight in the seasons. The amount of exposure to the sunlight is thought to be directly linked to the emotional well-being in some individuals. Even in seasons where there is limited sunlight, it is best to get as much exposure as possible to maintain positive moods.

Incorporating massage, meditation, a proper diet, exercise and sunlight regularly throughout the course of life can increase emotional stability and wellness. Happiness, fulfillment and success are the positive aspects that are achieved when psychological needs are met and balanced. Take time to listen to the body and the mind and ensure that something positive is experienced each and every day to achieve a healthier state of being.

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